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Children of Tomorrow

A child arrives at Bangalore city (India) and is forced to work for money in a garage as he has to live by himself. Destiny makes him discover himself through various circumstances as he also grows up in Singapore as an adult

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Written & Directed by Narendra Kumar J

Cinematography by Narendra Kumar J and Gomtesh Upadhye
Original Music by Narendra Kumar J


Kushaal Patel, Gajendar Dave, Ujwal Patel, Kangan Upadhye, Rajesh Toranagatti, Murthy Patel, Sira Ushapp

Drama | English

Production & Worldwide Distribution Symphony Film Studios

A quote from Children of Tomorow

"Money is important. But one can be happy without money too"

Did you know there were 13000+ individual takes of footage shot for the film

Positive Reviews
Shooting locations

Why it is important?

Lot of time was spent to get things right

“A film is forever”. We understand this and since the beginning we spent the needed time to get things right, everything big or small can be seen by the audience on screen, so we want get everything right, the right light, right sound and the right emotion.

An ideal view

Art cannot be seperated from the artist

Many times we have a sterile look at the artwork without being affected by who has rendered the art, but ideally Art has a better meaning when the idea of who has made the art affects the way we look at the same work of art.

We Love our Audience

"Amazing concept 😍 Loved the way you conveyed a strong message in such few words. A must watch movie (Children of Tomorrow). I wish you more of successes. Looking forward to see more good movies from you. 😁"
Sagar Dhongady
Audience / Architect
"Children of tomorrow is a must watch. It captures the emotions of a young boy quite well into his adulthood and portrays how some incidents in ones life impact human beings. Though initially, i felt it could have been a mix of Kannada-English movie, as you keep getting deeper into the movie, this feeling is gradually overcome. Every character has done justice to the movie, especially the main protagonist who manages all the emotions without much dialogues . It is quite amazing that Narendra Kumar has donned multiple hats in the movie like music, eding, cinematography (and a small appearance !) apart from writing and directing the movie. I wish Narendra Kumar all the best for this film and his future projects as well."
Rajiv Nagaraja
Film Buff
"Nice camera work, editing and execution! Hardwork is visible in every frame! Waiting for more movies :-)"
Ravikiran DN
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