Film making is an important profession. One can be a filmmaker only if he/she has the chief ingredient, that is passion for films. A worthy film takes time, money, effort and energy to make. It is one of the laborious type of a profession as most of the times what you and the camera see is what you get. After we make a professional looking short film with high production value and a great script what do we do? In an instant we put it on YouTube to share it to the world.
For free.
Isn’t it the greatest thing one could do? Present the fruits of the hard work to the world, for free?
As filmmakers we are emotional people. The greatest satisfaction we get when someone watches our film and speaks about it. In the due process we ignore the most important factor:
Did you know that your short film is an Intellectual Property?
You’re welcome!
When you put your short film which is an Intellectual Property or IP, on YouTube you put it out in the open making it susceptible for all kinds of risks like theft and plagiarism. You definitely wouldn’t want your IP to be stolen by someone who lacks talent and make crores of rupees out of it.
Secondly you put it on YouTube for free, without getting paid by either YouTube or users, hence you have lost a chance to earn any value out of an artwork you just created. This may seem trivial at first but you just encouraged “Free Culture” or a culture to make creative works free without remunerating the artist. You may have already come across situations where someone important to you may have asked you not to waste time in making an art but get a real job. Know what? they are right, and that’s because of free culture. Means there is no tangible value for an artform like in this case a film where someone would be willing to pay for you to earn your livelihood and eat.
Instead you are just feeding a giant more and more everyday to grow as a brand, without expecting any return that you due fully deserve!
Sounds unfair?

You bet! So the first thing you need to do as an artist or filmmaker is to not give out your work for free, on youtube or anywhere else, but somewhere you can present it proudly and at the same time earn some value so you too can eat.
In a place like Symphony Cinemas you can just do that, where you can present your short film to the world and at the same time earn a living out of it.
Remember, change starts from us, taking the first step for change is an important decision and never unnerve if it’s for good, here good for the artist or filmmaker.
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Happy Filmmaking!